Joe Alfone
QUESTION 1: How will you engage with voters in SW Portland if elected? Please provide specifics on how your constituents will be able to communicate with you and how you will communicate with us.
I am by far the most approachable of all the candidates and non-candidates on and off of the campaign trail. Why is that, you may ask yourself? Clearly this is true because I walk everywhere in the city of Portland, Oregon and beyond. If anyone wants to speak with me, come say hello and I will respond graciously and accordingly.
QUESTION 2: The transition to a purely legislative city council with geographical representation is a major shift from the current structure in which councilors oversee city bureaus. Under the old government structure, concerns about transportation or traffic circulation issues would be addressed to the commissioner in charge of PBOT; concerns about parks would go to the commissioner overseeing the Parks bureau; etc. Given the shift away from administrative powers on the council, how will you make sure constituent concerns are addressed?
If there is one thing I'm good about doing that sets me apart from other candidates it is my ability to effectively delegate authority to others working toward a similar goal. I believe in my experience from the many situations I have involved myself, that in order to reach a goal of common purpose the reins of authority should be shared by those around you. In this case, working collectively will achieve the desired result of improved communication with all of the pieces of the puzzle i.e. all the members of legislative staff and bureaus, notwithstanding all the ancilliary branches of the web of communication departments which sets this city aloft into stratospheric heights of inter-personal cohesiveness. This only becomes possible when central offices of communication have a commissioner that is always available to the constituents of the district, coincidentally enough as I respond to the above question - that person is me, in ranking number 3.
QUESTION 3: What role should neighborhood associations play in fostering residents’ engagement with city government and elected officials?
Although McGruff the Crime Dog has gone into a decades long hibernation, his motto of, "Take a bite out of crime" has continued to ring all the more loudly in recent years. This is true because McGruff the Crime Dog has imparted the wisdom of having strong neighborhood neighborhoodliness as the leading force lighting the path of all neighborhoods. And to this, Mr McGruff on behalf of all the neighborhood associations of America, "thank you".
QUESTION 4: District 4 is large and covers many neighborhoods. What issues do you think are particularly important for SW Portland neighborhoods (not downtown)? What proposals would you make to address these issues?
No matter where you go in the city of Portland, you will always find yourself when you get there. Thus, I believe that the most important issue for those that either travel to SW Portland or those that live there is to improve one's self. Everything from proper fitness, health, nutrition, and just getting an appropriate amount of time are of immense value to me as your incoming city council commissioner representative. I will do all I can to lead by example, thereby being the person that we can all turn to and say, " Hey I've got a question." And I in turn will respond, "Okay, I'm ready to listen, learn, and respond".
QUESTION 5: How do you plan to work with your District 4 colleagues to ensure productive outcomes on district issues?
I find that if you bring people a small snack, especially if it is homemade they are more willing to break down the barriers of divisiveness. I'm pretty good at making smoothies, salads with many nutritious ingredients, and beans and rice dishes. I'm from New Orleans which puts a premium on food culture in a way that I'm sure Portlanders can relate to with the proliferation of so many varying types of cuisine here. I think it would be great if we all get together and have potluck gettogethers with some sort of musical background. The music can in fact can be syncopated rythms of varying sounds, maybe even NATURE sounds which always makes everything neutral and peaceful when the natural sounds of the surrounding environment sets the tempo for discussions that are serious in nature.
QUESTION 6: Why should voters in SW Portland give you a vote?
I have employed dedicated research in actualizing wisdom of equilibrium of mind-body-spirit, so fortuitous that I can share the gospel of my learnings with the residents of District 4 in Portland. If entrusted with your vote of confidence of my public works projects for Portland - Graffiti Art/Art Mural District tax breaks to businesses that provide wall space, jobs jobs jobs for art enthusiasts, NATURE speaker sound system throughout District 4, development of WTC walkway into a tourist attraction along with rooftop observation decks downtown that are not being used will be re-purposed, and overall improvement of infrastructure with intuitive Shibuya Crossing designs with more blinking light improvements such as the blinking light protective crosswalk at NW Burnside and 8th Ave, re-opening of NW Cultural Community Center on NW Everett Street once thriving home of Loaves and Fishes, Food not Bombs, and the Grey Panthers, and Frog Ferry implementation.