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Hillsdale Assistance Team Supports Wells Students
[March 11, 2022] HAT has more initiatives.

Hillsdale Neighborhood Assoc. Considers Safe Rest Village Motion
[March 22, 2022] At issue: Should Hillsdale support the establishment of a city-sponsored homeless village in neighboring Multnomah Village?

Hopewell House Picks Executive Director, Prepares to Resume Hospice Care
[February 23, 2022] The non-profit expects to reopen this summer.

Hillsdale Musician Runs Afoul of YouTube
[February 22, 2022] Satire and irony in the time of COVID.

Neighborhood House Launches 16th Annual Community Food Drive
[February 22, 2022] Local events to replenish food pantry in Southwest Portland.

Hillsdale Banking Options Shrink
[February 11, 2022] Key Bank to Close, OnPoint Hopes to Fill Gap

New Trees Planted
[July 2, 2021] They're here!

Sun., Feb. 6: Electronics and Clothing Donation Event
[February 4, 2022] Clean out your closets, attack your attic, check your tech.

COVID Booster Shots at Bowman's Pharmacy
[January 28, 2022] You can get your shot right here in Hillsdale.

Renovations In Progress at Hillsdale Basics
[January 28, 2022] Improvements and expanded offerings coming soon to Hillsdale's local market.

Opinion: Let’s Make Hillsdale a Solar Community
[January 28, 2022] Solar energy may be more accessible than you think.

Update: SW Responds to Homelessness Crisis
[January 28, 2022] Trash cleared in Hillsdale, planning continues for Multnomah shelter.

Capoeira Brings New Fitness Option to Hillsdale
[December 17, 2021] There are lots of ways to get fit in Hillsdale, and here's a new one.

New Pastor Joins Hillsdale Community Church
[December 17, 2021] A new leader for one of the oldest churches in Hillsdale.

"Light Up Hillsdale"
[December 17, 2021] It's about time to shine some light around here!
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