Hillsdale Neighborhood Emergency Team Update
[August 17, 2022] Your neighborhood emergency preparedness group has been on the job throughout the pandemic.
Hillsdale NET Emergency Preparedness, Part 1: Home Inventory
[February 12, 2021] The first in a series of articles to help you prepare your family and community for an emergency.
Hillsdale NET Emergency Preparedness, Part 2: Start Building Your Cache
[March 12, 2021] The second in the series.
Emergency Preparedness, Part 3: Your Cache, Continued
[March 26, 2021] Hillsdale NET Emergency Preparedness. #3 in the series, more about your cache.
Emergency Preparedness, Part 4: Storing Water
[April 9, 2021] The fourth in a series to help Hillsdale prepare for a major emergency.
Emergency Preparedness Part 5 Food Storage: Preparing your Pantry for an Emergency
[April 23, 2021] Storing food in preparation for a major disaster.
Emergency Preparedness Part 6: Medications
[May 7, 2021] Part 6 is all about making sure you have a supply of necessary medications on hand.
Emergency Preparedness Part 7: Out-of-Area Emergency Contacts
[June 18, 2021] Make a plan to keep in touch in case your immediate family is separated during a disaster.