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Annual Thanksgiving Scone Walk

[Posted November 5, 2021]

A Hillsdale tradition for more than 25 years, the Thanksgiving Day Scone Walk celebrates community and friends—and helps work up an appetite for the festivities to come later in the day. At the midpoint of the walk, take a break to visit, relax and enjoy scones, coffee, and tea courtesy of neighborhood and trails activists Glenn and Karen Bridger. Find Glenn and Karen and their goodies from 9:30am until 11am on the SW Vincent Place cul-de-sac.

This year’s walk will be self-led, starting and ending at the Hillsdale Food Carts on SW Capitol Highway at the entrance to Ida B. Wells High School. The organizers ask that you respect the wishes of others in your walking party regarding the wearing of masks.

A map for the Thanksgiving Day Scone Walk
Click on the map to go to the route on the SW Trails PDX website.

An ad-hoc group of residents known as the Hillsdale Vision Group initiated the walk in the mid-1990’s with a walk from the same starting point to the Willamette River and back. That group motivated Portland to initiate the Hillsdale Town Center Plan, which led to the creation of the Hillsdale Neighborhood from the existing Bridlemile-Robert Gray and Wilson Park neighborhoods.

Don Baack has been the route guru for each of these walks. For the first walk, the Bridgers served scones and coffee on the riverfront, and the tradition has continued except when severe weather intervened.

Please observe State, City, and SW Trails pandemic safety guidelines. This is SW Trails PDX Self-Led Hike #27, find the route on the group's website.


What's your Hillsdale Thanksgiving Day tradition? Let us know.

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