[Posted Saturday, December 3, 2022]
Listening Sessions
The Hillsdale Neighborhood Association will hold listening sessions at the Hillsdale Library on Tuesday, December 6, 2-4 pm and Thursday, December 8, 1-3 pm, to hear your suggestions for projects to enhance the livability of Hillsdale. As well, they invite you to join the HNA to help make your suggestions a reality. To receive announcements of monthly meetings (7 pm on the first Wednesday of each month), contact HNA President Tatiana Lifshitz.
Civic Leadership Skills Development
Anyone who lives, works, studies or owns property in Hillsdale is invited to participate in the HNA civic leadership skills building program, tentatively scheduled for January 2023. Contact HNA President Tatiana Lifshitz to indicate interest.
New Website
HNA has launched a new website which includes a contact form to communicate with the HNA Board or submit a request to be added to the email list.
Good Neighbor Committee
A newly-formed Hillsdale Good Neighbor Community Action Group including members of the Hillsdale Neighborhood Association Board, the Hillsdale Business and Professional Association, SWTrails PDX and adjoining property owners will begin discussions with Portland Public Schools focussing on areas of concern regarding access and use of non-building facilities and grounds at Wells High School. Items of interest include public use of the track and pickleball facilities, lighting of athletic fields, and parking management on weekends and summer, among other issues. Contact Don Baack with any additional concerns or issues to be addressed.
December Agenda Includes Tri-Met Service Changes and Land Use Topic
TriMet representatives will be in attendance at the December 7 meeting of the HNA to discuss bus services changes proposed as part of TriMet's Forward Together initiative.
Changes to bus service around the city are being considered. Impacts to bus routes in Southwest are listed below.
Due to low ridership, service would end at SW Barbur & SW Bertha with the focus on Wells High School students.
Line 35 would be upgraded to 30-minute frequency. Line 35 may be upgraded to frequent service with additional funding to improve transit service to address the impacts of tolling.
Line 36 would be discontinued due to low ridership.
Line 37 would be discontinued due to low ridership and redundant service along Boones Ferry Road and Country Club Road.
Line 38 would be discontinued due to low ridership and redundant service along Boones Ferry Road, Terwilliger Boulevard, Kruse Way and 72nd Avenue.
Line 39 would be discontinued due to low ridership and redundant service along Terwilliger Boulevard.
Service on Line 43 would be upgraded to 30-minute frequency. Service along Corbett would be discontinued due to nearby alternatives on Barbur Boulevard (Line 12) and Macadam Avenue (Lines 19 and 35). Service would start at Tigard and continue to OHSU. From Hillsdale, lines 43 and 56 would combine to provide 15-minute service to OHSU from the Southwest.
Hourly service on Line 44 would be extended from PCC Sylvania to Tualatin and Wilsonville via Mountain Park and Boones Ferry Road.
Service on Line 51 would run only during the weekday rush hours for service to Lincoln High School, due to low ridership. SW Dosch Road service would be extended via Sunset to Wells High School and SW Barbur and Bertha.
Line 54 would be upgraded to Frequent Service. |
Line 55 would be discontinued due to low ridership and availability of service nearby on Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway. Service along Sunset would be replaced by Line 51.
Service on Line 56 along SW Barbur Boulevard would be discontinued due to nearby alternatives (Lines 12 and 44). Service would go to OHSU. From Hillsdale, Lines 43 and 56 would combine to provide 15-minute service to OHSU from the Southwest. Frequent Service Line 54, with a transfer to frequent service in Hillsdale (Lines 43 and 56), would create an all-day replacement for Line 61. Service would be extended from Washington Square along Scholls Ferry Road to Progress Ridge and Mountainside High School.
Line 61 would be discontinued, replaced by Lines 43, 54 and 56.
Line 64 would be discontinued, replaced by Line 43.
Line 65 would be discontinued, replaced by Line 43.
Line 66 would be discontinued due to alternative service available on lines 9, 8 and 75.
Line 68 would be discontinued due to alternative service available on MAX and Line 8.
Line 94 would be discontinued. A new line, 130, would cover a portion of the former Line 94.
Line 96 would be discontinued. Line 44 service would be extended hourly from PCC Sylvania to Tualatin and Wilsonville via Mountain Park and Boones Ferry Road. For background and rationale on these proposals, see the TriMet Forward Together Summary By Area document. Southwest Portland changes are discussed beginning on page 39. |
The final proposal will be presented to TriMet's Board of Directors on December 14; changes could be implemented beginning in September 2023. However,
As noted here earlier, installation of Trimet's Rose Lane bus-and-turn lanes in Hillsdale has been completed. What has your experience been with the new traffic patterns? Are the lanes achieving their stated purpose of improving transit times for transit users? Let us know.
SW 13th Drive Development
Mark Dane is on the agenda at 8pm to discuss a revived proposal for new construction
on SW 13th Drive.
HNA's December meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 7, at 7pm via zoom. Meeting ID: 841 8470 0958 Passcode: 811165.
—Valeurie Friedman
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