[Posted Saturday, May 7, 2022]
After two difficult years, students and staff at Ida B. Wells head toward the conclusion of a school year like no other. Here are some highlights and events still to come.

Some Numbers
This year Ida B. Wells offered nearly 30 Advanced Placement courses, multiple college dual-credit courses, and 12 comprehensive programs of studies in Fine and Performing Arts, Computer Science, Woods and Metal, Business and Marketing, Engineering, Journalism, Health Sciences and more.
Last year’s graduating seniors completed more than 1500 college level courses, 700 Advanced Placement exams, and earned more than 700 college credits before they even graduated from high school. In a letter on the school's website, principal Filip Hristić said, "This year’s senior class is equally impressive. They will soon represent Ida B. Wells at Yale, Harvard, Princeton, West Point, UC Berkeley, UW, Vanderbilt, NYU, Chapman, Howard, Boston College, just to name a few. Many of our seniors are recipients of generous scholarships, too, including some with full rides."
Wells relies in part on donations to support a wide range of academic programming. The first in-person fundraising event in three years, held on April 23, raised more than $50,000 for student clubs and activities and the school foundation.
Some Dates
Advanced Placement exams began May 2 and continue through May 13
IBW Art Show: May 12, auditorium foyer from 3:30-5:00 p.m. features student art work and IBW student band Simpleton
Prom: May 14 at the Adrianna Hill Ballroom
8th Grade Visitation Day: May 25
Graduation: June 9 at Providence Park
Last day of school: June 10
Success at State Solo and Ensemble Music Competitions
Congratulations are in order for all musicians who represented Ida B. Wells in State Solo and Ensemble music competitions this weekend. State winners are:
Nico Vilches - 2nd place for Baritone solo voice
Clara Cywinski - 3rd place for solo Trombone
George Ramsey - 5th place for Tenor solo voice
WAVE - 4th place for Large Mixed Vocal Ensemble
Ways to Support
IBW social worker Britni Locke is looking for food pantry donations to restock a depleted inventory and be able to send bundles home for families to use over summer months. All contributions go directly to students at Ida B Wells. Email her to learn what is needed and how to contribute.
Donations to the IBW Foundation can be made using this form.
IBW Boosters recruits volunteers to staff the stadium concession stand during home sports events. The athletic season has wound down for this year, but consult the school website starting in August for information on volunteering.
Learn more about Ida B. Wells High School at www.pps.net/ibw.
--Valeurie Friedman
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