[Posted April 8, 2022]
Community Meeting
Thursday, April 14
meeting link: https://meet.google.com/zvm-gock-pey
Or dial:(US)+l 662-532-5214.PIN,910413714#
Contributed by Lisa Newlyn, principal of Robert Gray Middle School
RGMS began the process of updating our Mission and Vision statements last year and are continuing the process with our families, communities, and students as we wrap up this school year. When implemented, strong vision and mission statements are the foundation of a school’s school-wide practices. Our goals for this process are:
To come to a shared understanding of the purpose of authentic mission and vision statements.
To outline the process that we will follow to engage our community in the co-creation of authentic mission and vision statements
This is a transitional time for our work together as a community and school institution. As we transition out of the COVID pandemic under new school leadership, it's time for us to define our common purpose which impacts our school improvement priorities, use of budget, and programming. Defining RGMS Family Values will move us forward in our process of collecting stakeholder feedback so that we can create draft mission vision statements early next year.