[Posted Thursday, October 27, 2022]
As noted here earlier, installation of Trimet's Rose Lane bus-and-turn lanes in Hillsdale has been completed. What has your experience been with the new traffic patterns? Are the lanes achieving their stated purpose of improving transit times for transit users? Let us know.
Trimet Proposed Service Changes
TriMet has proposed changes to bus routes and invites your feedback on their Draft Service Concept by October 31. Impacts to bus routes in Southwest are listed below.
Three Sewer Repair Projects Coming in 2023
The Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) Hillsdale North, Middle, and Northwest Sewer Repair Project will replace approximately 5.5 miles of deteriorating public sewer pipes that are 80-100 years old.

All three projects are in the design stage now. Construction on the northwest section of the project is expected to begin in winter of 2023; the other two will begin in spring of 2023. Construction could take up to four weeks on each individual section. The entire project is expected to take a year to complete.
Four different construction methods will be used: open trench, pipe bursting, cured-in-place pipe lining (CIPP), jack and bore. Visit BES's Sewer Construction Methods webpage for descriptions of these construction methods.
Night work or extended hours are proposed at the following locations due to their locations or the pipe size:
Terwilliger Boulevard Between Terwilliger Pl and Nebraska St
Off of Barbur Boulevard and Parkhill Dr
Barbur Boulevard Between 4th Ave and 5th Ave
Barbur Boulevard at Bertha Blvd
I-5 Freeway off ramp at Barbur Blvd
Sewer easement Between Pendleton St and Dewitt St
Sewer easement Between Cheltenham St and Capitol Hwy
Public right-of-way Between Terwilliger Blvd and Ralston Dr
Capitol Highway North of on ramp at Capitol Hwy
Each project has its own webpage where you can find information and sign up for email updates. Questions can be directed to Tracie Heidt, BES community outreach coordinator (Tracie@jla.us.com; 503 865-6492).

Fulton Pump Mains Replacement
The Portland Water Bureau will install 3,350 feet of water main (pipe) in southwest Portland to replace pipes that are 60 to over a 100 years old. The pipes are aging and pass underneath the I-5 freeway and SW Barbur Boulevard, where a failure of these older pipes could cause major problems. More than 42,000 people are served by the main.
Construction is expected to begin in late spring or early summer of 2023 and last for one year. Disruptions could include noise, dust, traffic delays, parking disruptions, road closures during work hours (usually Monday to Saturday, 7 am to 4 pm). Water service will not be affected.

The Water Bureau will install water main Between the intersection of Southwest Nevada and Southwest 2nd Avenue west to Southwest Burlingame Avenue by cutting the road surface, digging a trench, replacing the old pipe, filling the trench, and restoring the road surface. East of I-5 near South Laview Drive; between I-5 and Southwest Brier Place; and near the intersection of Southwest Nevada Street and Southwest 2nd Avenue a jack and bore method will be used to drill holes for the sections of pipe that go underneath the I-5 freeway, Southwest Barbur Boulevard, and Southwest Brier Place. This will avoid digging trenches across the two state highways.
Areas where work will occur (from the project website):
The project will begin at the intersection of South Laview Drive and South Corbett Avenue and proceed west under I-5 and under Southwest Barbur Boulevard. The jack and bore section of the project will emerge in grassy areas between I-5 and Southwest Brier Place, and near the intersection of Southwest Nevada Street and Southwest 2nd Avenue.
Southwest Nevada Street between Southwest 2nd and Southwest 5th Avenues
Southwest 5th Avenue between Southwest Nevada and Southwest Chestnut Streets
Southwest Chestnut Street between Southwest 5th and Southwest Burlingame Avenues
More information available at the Fulton Pump Mains Replacement webpage. On that page you can sign up to receive email updates. Find information on how to report water quality issues (such as discoloration) here.
—Valeurie Friedman
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